Sahit Muja: New York
Sahit Muja: New York has been the world’s most important CityNew York is The real heart of the world’s economy–a heart with the greatest feeling for freedom and democracy.
It’s the heart of compassion for the world’s population and immigrants.
New York is the best example to the world today that all nations, religions, and cultures can coexist in peace and prosperity.
New York is the garden of humanity. New Yorkers are like hard working bees that collect the sweet pollen of the flowers of humanity.
New Yorkers share this honey with the rest of the world.
There is not a city on earth that has done more for the world economy and freedom than NYC.
I am an Albanian immigrant in New York. I chased the dreams of millions before me to go to a place with freedom.
Freedom is the main factor for creating prosperity. I have been in New York for a long time.
I am learning every day from people and businesses, the past and the future.
New YorkY has been a most influential city in the world’s economy.
NY has been one of the best places to invest in the world . NY will definitely remain the top destination to invest.
With amazing cities, beaches, rivers, lakes, mountains, farms, wealthy land, excellent private education, and with 100s of trillions of dollars wealth there is no place in the world with all these advantages.
Let see some of the the facts about why NY is the world’s must precious place! EUROPE: The state of New York’s population estimated ancestries is as follows:
Italians 14.4%, Irish 2%, German 11%, English 6% and large Dutch, Polish, Scandinavian, French, Greek, Albanian and from all other European Countries.
Since first settlers in today’s NY has been a huge source of money for all European Nations.
Billions of dollars have been sent back to Europe and invested in their economy.
Huge trade has been established since the beginning and still NY counts billions of dollars in this trade for Europe.
Business from European companies selling products in NY.
Financial institutions have lend hundreds of billions of dollars to Europe. NY has given excellent opportunities to European companies to invest and earn 100s of billions of dollars.
Immigrants from Europe have sent billions of dollars to support families there.
There is no city in the world outside of Europe that has done more for them than NY
AFRICA: NY estimates 7 million African Americans–one of the largest African ancestry communities in the U.S.
NY was one of the first states to end slavery in America.
Billions of dollars have been invested by NY in different countries in Africa.
African American immigrants in NY send billions of dollars to Africa, Israel and the Middle East.
Large NY based financial institutions and big companies invest billions in Africa.
NY has been a great source of support for political changes in Africa.
NY has donated more money to Africa in total than any state in the world.
Now NY has a politically powerful African American community.
NY media has given Mr Barack Obama the status of messiah and tremendously helped in electing the first Black President In America.
There is no city in the world outside Africa that have done more for them then NY.
LATIN AMERICA: NY counts a large Latin American population.
Prior to immigrants arriving in NY, Latin America generally was the home of one of the most impoverished people in the world.
A huge influx of emigrants in NY from Latin countries made possible a huge change back home. 100s of billions of dollars have been sent back home by emigrants.
Lots of immigrants have returned home with money and ideas from NY.
Still millions of people live in Latin America from the money of the hard working Latino population in NY.
Their is no City in The world outside Latin America that has done more for them then NY.
New York is the heart beat of the world’s economy.
Sahit Muja
President and CEO
Albanian Minerals
New York