Saturday, January 21, 2012

German manufacturing and standard of living remain the best in the world

 Sahit Muja: Germany
Sahit Muja:  German manufacturing and standard of living  remain the best in the world.
Germany has one of highest standard of living in the world.

Hard Work bring Success!
German people are one of the  most disciplined and hard-working people in the world.

As an example, this successful country maintains their great reputation as the top exporter of machinery and industrial equipment.

The quality of German made products is always superb the craftsmanship of German products is combined with quality high-performance quality products.
We use German made equipments for Albanian Minerals and are the best products of any other country in the world.

You have to think about those wonderful German cars you purchase, like. Mercedes BMW or Porsche. It’s not only the cars themselves that are engineering wonders, but over 25% of the value of the car is in the electronics and software 
That is why Germany has become a very attractive place to come to  Competitive production in Germany relies on highly educated and qualified experts, and in particular on a high degree of automation.

 Economic growth require the combination of investment's, education, efficient research , labor force and ideas, equip with financial stability and capital.
Tourism: Germany has the Europe's best clubs, the nightlife in Germany is more vibrant than any city in Europe Union.

Enjoying the outdoors, from skiing Alpine peaks to hiking carefully preserved forests, is essential.
 And compare the ancient traditions of the east, as beautiful Germany adjusts to the 21st century, with 

Germany's  economy where decades of prosperity flourish its grand heritage.
Germany  is a scene of full glamour teeming with top museums. galleries, theatres , hotels, bars, gourmet restaurants with huge diversity on ethnic dining places.
When it comes to fashion, art, design and music, the Germany  has turned  into a cultural center in Europe.

Sahit Muja
President and CEO
Albanian Minerals
New York